Our Emergency Department is one of the busiest in the state with one of the shortest wait times nationwide.

The Hospital of Central Connecticut is a top performing hospital in the U.S., providing care to patients with heart attacks. Contributing to this success is implementation in 2010 of the Web-based LIFENET System.
The system helps speed treatment of patients having an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) type of heart attack, by sending to the hospital's ED an incoming patient's electrocardiogram reading. Once the ED physician confirms a STEMI from the LIFENET System's EKG transmission, an angioplasty suite can be immediately set up.
Stroke Screening
We offer stroke screening (DAWN Protocols) using advanced image processing technology known as RAPID CT Perfusion, which pinpoints the area of damage caused by an ischemic stroke, locates salvable areas of brain tissue, and can establish a timeline for when the stroke occurred. This increases the window for acute treatment up to 24 hours. Learn more.
Short wait time can be attributed to system efficiencies and staff efforts:
The hospital's ED uses EPIC, an information system that provides patients' medical histories, test results and treatment details and other information to providers. The healthcare providers enter their orders, documentation and prescriptions into the system.