Hospital of Central Connecticut Joint and Spine Center hosting free lectures

January 10, 2014 By Kimberly Gensicki, 860-224-5900 X6507

New Britain - The Hospital of Central Connecticut Joint and Spine Center is hosting a series of three, free orthopedic lectures by orthopedic surgeon Robert Carangelo, M.D. The first lecture, Current Concepts in Knee Pain Treatment, will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30.

Other lectures are Finding Relief from Hip Pain, to be held Feb. 27; and Partial Knee Replacement, on March 27. Carangelo is medical director of HOCC’s Joint Center.

All lectures will be held at HOCC’s New Britain General campus, 100 Grand St., in Lecture Room 2. Free validated parking will be available in the Quigley Garage, adjacent to the hospital; refreshments will be provided. To register, please call 1-800-DOCTORS.

The Hospital of Central Connecticut offers the latest techniques in hip, shoulder and knee replacements, along with extensive patient education and comprehensive post-surgical care and rehabilitation. To learn more about the Joint and Spine Center, please visit